Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mommy and Daddy

Nolan started calling Matt and I Mommy and Daddy today instead of Mama and Dada. I am not sure if I am ok with this new stage of development.


Christina said...

Oh, I LOVE when Chase says "Mommy!" I like it much better than Mama. I don't know why. I never thought about it as a bad thing.

Just wait until he starts calling Matt "Matt!"

Ashlynne said...

He already does call Matt "Matt" and "Honey"

Suzanne said...

Ash, I can't get over how big he looks in this picture! He's such a little man. I love it. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

Suzanne said...

Ashy McPashy, when are we going to see some ultrasound pics?