Wednesday, November 17, 2010


These two are always finding something silly to do together. It is so sweet to watch how much they love each other and how much fun thee have together

don't say it...

this is what happens!

baby things

Bryce is fascinated by the baby toys that Ashlynne uses. He loves to climb in her car seat, get in the exersaucer, and use her pacifier.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Bryce can climb everywhere now. He learned how to climb up onto the sink and turn on the water!


I was always against the dvd in the car. I realize now that I was crazy. It is awesome for long rides. The boys are happy and the trips go much more smoothly!


Bryce is not generally the type of boy who stands still. He is always moving. He spends endless amounts of time pushing trucks, climbing and dancing.
When the easel came out, he was still for about 5 minutes. He knew exactly what to do without even being shown!