Saturday, October 18, 2008


Nolan loves to pretend, and will play for a long time with his houses, farms and garages. He has taken his pretend play to a whole new level! Not only does he pretend things are other objects (he uses my eyelash curler as a phone), but he is starting to pretend that he is an animal.
We took these short fences out of our garden in an attempt to make the house look better, and they took on a whole new life.
Nolan stands inside of them and pretends to be a horse. He asks to have an apple to eat, and neighs.


Christina said...

He is so cute, and so fun, and so smart, and so imaginative!!

What happened to his little nose? :(

Bekah said...

Ash, he is so adorable! You have to get a video of him neighing!