Wow, my baby is three! Thinking back about that wonderful Easter when he arrived makes me so happy. I tell Nolan every day that he and Bryce are the best things that ever happened to me, and it is true.
Nolan is a smart, funny and creative boy. He is athletic and considerate of others. He is also a fabulous big brother. Nolan loves to swim, play outside, explore nature, play pretend, cook, sing, and read. He has been reading easy books on his own for a while now. He can count to twenty and can name numbers by sight. He can do simple math problems and also knows how to tell time on his digital watch. He has an incredible memory. He remembers vividly activities we did one year ago. He memorizes songs in music class very quickly. Nolan also has quite a palate. He eats anything I put in front of him. He eats all fruits and veggies and loves to talk about keeping his body healthy. He calls his Daddy by his first name. He calls me Mama. He has recently become very social and will talk to anyone we meet. He waves at people in stores and while we walk.
Nolan loves to play with his cousins. He and Michael scream and run for hours together.
He has made our world more fun and funny with his witty remarks and his silly personality.
On Nolan's birthday, he went to school in the morning and we walked to the pretzel factory for a pretzel dog with aunt Aimee and Rob. Then at night we had our family over for pizza and cake.
Bryce loves water ice!
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