Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy 7 Month Birthday, Bryce!

Bryce is 7 months old!
It is amazing how much he has changed in these 7 months.
In the beginning he only wanted to be held. He would scream if he was put down. He still prefers to be with me, but now also enjoys independence. He can entertain himself for a long stretch in the exersaucer, with beads, with spiky head, or by rolling around on the floor.
He is very close to crawling forward but not quite yet. Bryce manages to get around by using other interesting moves. He doesn't have any teeth yet, but he loves to eat. He wants to have everything we have.
Bryce is also just plain sweet. He loves cuddle. He inches his way over to me while we play on the floor to get a hug. He is very content to be held and carried all day long. Bryce is also very social. He talks to people we see at the store, even if they aren't even looking at him. He also has the best laugh. He giggles and giggles and giggles. He mostly laughs at movement. He laughs when he is bounced or when Nolan is bouncing.

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