Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nolan is a true music lover. All day we listen, sing, dance, and play instruments to music. He got this new tambourine on our trip to Sesame Place. Even with all the cute stuffed animals in the store, he ran right over to this tambourine and started singing the "hello song" in the middle of the store. Now we have a total of 3 tambourines in the house. Every night, Nolan assigns a tambourine to every family member and we play along to the Kids Music Round CD. Nolan has gotten some new moves with his new tambourine. He pats his hiney, and does spirit hands at the end of the song.


Christina said...

Nolan is such a cute little performer and that Rudy is a rapt audience!

Suzanne said...

Wow, he's so good at keeping a beat. So cute!